Crossline Men's Mission to Mexico

Terms and Conditions

Mexico is a foreign country with a different culture and legal practices . Sponsors have no ability, beyond reasonable care, to guarantee the safety and/or health of any participants. As a participant, I accept all responsibility for my own safety, security and health, life and death. I waive all my rights to hold trip sponsors liable for my safety, security and health, life and death.

I am responsible for the cost of my trip. I am responsible for the cost of my trip. I understand that I can be removed from the trip for failing to pay for the cost of the trip on time. I agree that if I withdraw from the trip, cancel my trip, or am removed from the trip at any point prior to the trip, or if I depart early or abandon the group itinerary, I am still responsible for any cost incurred on my behalf. For instance, if lodging or airfare is booked in my name, I am responsible for the cost even if I withdraw.   I understand this statement and accept full financial responsibility for the costs and expenses of the trip.

I agree to submit to the leadership of the Missions Outreach trip even if I disagree with a leadership decision.  I understand that this is for the spiritual, moral, physical and emotional health and safety of all team members, including my own. I understand that lack of submission is cause to be removed from the trip at any point prior to or during the trip. The leaders of this trip are Dave Brodsky, Director of The Global Mission and Jason Park, Men's Pastor of Crossline Church; I understand this statement and willingly submit to the Missions Outreach Leadership.